Welcome to Morning Star Nursery

At Morning Star, education is our passion and through living our vision of ‘learning together, achieving together’ we encourage children to be the best versions of themselves; keeping them at the forefront of everything we do.

We believe our practitioners are there to guide each child’s learning so they can grow in confidence to become independent learners of life and eventually successful global citizens. We enable curiosities to be explored so learning is always fun resulting in many children leaving our care with a passion they carry with them through the rest of their compulsory education journey and indeed their lives.

Because we are a family run business all children, caregivers and staff are seen as an extension of our family something we pride ourselves on and our service users appreciate and often comment on when moving on from or returning to our care. We know children learn best when everyone works together and see our parents and careers as partners encouraging them to be active in their child’s learning journey.

Working with caregivers in this way is a standard that allows us to achieve most of Morning Star’s aims and objectives. 

  • Achievement & Ambition – Every child is encouraged to progress.
  • Holistic Growth – We nurture values and inclusivity.
  • Personalised Learning – Teaching tailored to each child.
  • Early Support – Identifying and addressing needs early.
  • Respect & Diversity – Embracing all beliefs and cultures.

We believe in growth

At Morning Star Nursery we believe in achievement, ambition, and progress for every child. We aim to develop the whole child, promoting, respect for Christian values but recognising and respecting, the beliefs, needs, and achievements of others in our multi-cultural society. We aim to meet the needs of individual children through highly effective teaching and learning. There is an emphasis on the early identification of needs through supportive and preventative strategies which reduce barriers to learning.


Lifelong Learning is at our Heart

We undertake a rigorous system of monitoring children’s progress, supporting academic achievement and personal achievement by removing barriers to learning. We use a wide range of strategies to foster a culture of lifelong learning and independent living skills for all children.

Opening Hours

Opening Hours

Mon-Fri: 8am – 6pm
Sat: Crèche (9am – 1pm)
Sun: Closed